HVAC Systems Tune-Up in Manassas, VA

One of the costliest investments in a home is the HVAC system. However, with regular maintenance, a heating and cooling system can last for around 15 years. Servicing an HVAC system twice a year can keep it in top working order when it’s needed most. During the winter and summer months, a heating and cooling system may run more often as the outside temperature soars up or down. Having a unit that can meet the demand ensures that everyone will remain comfortable during these extreme conditions. The ideal time to have a heating and cooling system inspected is during non-peak times or about a month before the weather requires using it more frequently.

Enlist the Help of Trained Professionals

HVAC Stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It is the system that heats and cools a home. When one requires HVAC Services, it’s always good to check out a company before enlisting their help. A reputable company stands behind its work. Referrals from friends and family members who used a company that they were happy with speak volumes. Of course, online reviews often shout the praise of a service that did a thorough job while also pointing out a company that did not live up to the customer’s expectations. When a homeowner requests an inspection, a technician looks for problems, discusses solutions, and ensures that everything is fully operational.

Staying Warm During the Winter Months

When the temperature remains low outdoors regularly, it’s time for a Furnace Tune-up. The best rule of thumb is to have the heating unit inspected before the demand for heat becomes a daily requirement. The end of the summer or early fall is an excellent time to consider having this service done. An inspection can reveal any developing problems to prevent a major breakdown when the heat is needed most. A tune-up can improve the efficiency of a heating system. It can also ensure that all working parts are functioning to their full potential.

When performing a heating inspection, a professionally licensed technician will look for any broken or failing components, check for leaks and blockages, and ensure that the system is clean and in good working order. He will also look for any faulty wiring or fire hazards, check and adjust the airflow throughout the home, and certify that the thermostat is functioning correctly. If repairs are required, the technician will offer options and discuss them with the homeowner.

Staying Cool in the Summer Months

As the cold winter days quietly pass on, the warmth of springtime makes its appearance. Late spring is the perfect time for an AC Tune-up. Once an air conditioner is required full time in the summer months, finding someone to do an inspection might take a while as AC technicians are in high demand during peak seasonal times. Servicing an AC unit improves performance and also reduces operating costs. A homeowner is often surprised by how much lower their utility bill is once the air conditioner is functioning at its maximum potential.

During an air conditioning inspection, a technician will look for any electrical issues, establish that the condenser coils, blower fan, and condensate drain are clean and free of debris, and examine the capacitor and evaporator coils. They will also test the thermostat for accuracy, change the air filter, ensure that the airflow throughout the home has no restrictions, and add any necessary refrigerant for maximum cooling efficiency. As with the heating system, the technician will discuss any issues revealed during the inspection and make recommendations to improve what’s wrong.

Customer Satisfaction is Job Number One

Since 1977, Trivett Mechanical, Inc. has assisted residential customers with all of their HVAC needs. For over 30 years, they’ve remained a leader in AC and heating maintenance in the DC metro area. They also use upfront flat-rate pricing, so there are no surprises when the bill comes in. This company is a dependable contractor who takes pride in providing quality work that’s guaranteed to meet all customer needs, as well as their stamp of approval.

Regularly tending to the needs of an HVAC system can reduce the necessity for expensive repairs. A well-maintained heating and air conditioning system provide warm and cool air on-demand, so residents are comfortable year-round. The HVAC system in a home doesn’t demand a lot from a homeowner. However, with twice a year inspections, a homeowner can have peace of mind that the system will be fully operational at all times. Proper care and maintenance of an HVAC system may extend its lifespan well beyond what anyone ever expected while lowering the monthly utility bill at the same time.